Let’s Make Peace with Our Failure to Succeed Ahead

As there’s a worth reading saying by philosopher Samuel Beckett “ Ever tried, ever failed. No matter, try again, fail again. Fail better.”Failing while striving is not worthless, rather is a crucial part of achievement.
Let’s learn to make peace with our failure. Let’s learn to face it. Let’s learn that our failure is going to fuel our striving for our ultimate success. We all make mistakes.
Most of us know that failure is a reality of life, and at some level, we understand that it actually helps us to grow. Intellectually, we even acknowledge that the greatest achievers — past and present — also routinely experienced colossal failures.
But still, we hate to fail. We fear it, we dread it, and when it does happen, we hold onto it. We give it power over our emotions, and sometimes we allow it to dictate our way forward or backward.
How can we keep failure – or the fear of it away – from frightening or derailing us?
Primarily you should always separate the failure from your identity. Just because you haven’t found a successful way of doing something yet, doesn’t mean you are a failure.
Look at the failure analytically — indeed, curiously – and find out that why did you fail? Was the failure completely beyond your control? After gathering the facts, step back and ask yourself, what did I learn from this? Think about how you will apply this newfound insight going forward to avoid failure in your next attempt of the goal.
Thomas Edison reportedly failed 10,000 times while he was inventing the light bulb. He was quoted as saying, “I have found 10,000 ways something won’t work. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” The Wright brothers spent years working on failed aircraft prototypes and learning from their unsuccessful attempts until they finally got it right: a plane that could get airborne and stay there.
Don Shula is the winningest coach in the NFL (National Foot-ball League). Shula had a success secret “24-hour rule,” a policy of looking forward. The coach allowed himself and his players 24 hours to celebrate a victory or brood (think deeply) over a defeat. The next day is the day to focus their energy on preparing for their next challenges and learning from their victories to attain great future triumphs and transforming their failing aspects into winning traits. Don Shula’s core philosophy to attain hard-won success is that if you keep the main causes of your failures and victories in mind, you’ll do better in the long run.
As a world-wide famous author Paulo Coelho has elaborated the way of utilizing failing attempts for growth and the importance of never giving up in the following words, “The secret of success in life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”